Sacred Slut
4 day Intensive

Next Round!
April 13th, 14th, 20th, 21st
Days are full
At the Space Studios

Soul Investment of $1,111

What’s included?
-Over the 4 days you will learn a piece of deliciously sexy, sensual, fun choreography that will become the bones for the exploration & anchoring in of your unique erotic expression.

On our final night together we have a witnessing ceremony, where each sister will bring a special witness of her choosing, you will share the dance we have been learning & a solo free flow dance piece to a song of your choosing, which is an opportunity to drop into your own pleasure through dance & be witnessed in your magic.

-Sacred Slut is sooooo much more than just a dance class!

-Outside of choreography we will be diving into practices that support you in expanding your confidence, radiance, embodiment & influence as a Woman & connection to your pleasure & Erotic nature.

-Enjoy a completely judgemental free space with like minded sisters all on a similar journey of reclamation!
The celebration of each other is a huge piece that supports the healing of sisterhood wounds.

If you are ready to reserve your spot for Melbourne in April, please sign the form below & then await bank details from hannah to send your $250 deposit.

Sacred Slut
Online Course

Sacred Slut online is a pre-recorded go at your own pace course!
6 weeks worth of content but you can take longer.

Learn a delicious piece of choreography & journey through special practices & transmissions I share with my online mentorship clients to support your integration & going deeper into the pleasure, bliss & embodiment of your divine expression.

Also includes the audio recordings from zoom calls, where each week we discuss the themes shared in the course in greater depth

Sacred Slut Online
One time
For 3 weeks

What is sacred slut?

Our collective understanding of the word SLUT, Is that it is used to typically shame a person, More often than not a Woman,
For their Sexual Expression.

If we take away the shame that gives the word charge by owning the expression of our Eros & then also changing our relationship with the word & what it means for us...
Then we change how we allow it to define us & control us through subtle subconscious shame.

This space will support every cell in your being to connect with Eros as your birth right.
I witness this work transform every area of a Woman’s life.
Her confidence, Her Worth,
How she holds herself & how she speaks,
& so on…

& Why Sacred?
Because what makes something Sacred is simply that it is vibrating in it’s true expression
& we are called to connect with it.

melbourne april intensive

Sacred Slut Online
One time
For 3 weeks

To enquire about future courses please fill out the form below
or email directly